Prayer Offered for February 27, 2025

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Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM:

Gracious and merciful God, as Muslims prepare to observe Ramadan, we pray in gratitude for their dedication to the Five Pillars of Islam: profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage.

May each one of us, from our own perspective, imitate their perseverance and dedication by acting on our deepest beliefs.

May the fruits of our sincere prayer result in just and generous laws that raise up the downtrodden and the needy.

May our empathy for the sufferings of the poor remind us that we can live simply so that others may simply live.

And when we travel abroad, may we approach each place with the reverence of a pilgrim, knowing that we are on holy ground, treating each other as brothers and sisters of one Creator. We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

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