01/03/2011 - Daily Prayer

O God, As we stand here together at the beginning of a new year, we find ourselves at the crossroads between what has been, and what might be. We are called upon to look at all that needs to be accomplished, and to be honest about the difficult work that lies ahead.

Now is the time for each of us to envision the world as it can be and should be, and to look into our hearts to see how we can make that dream a reality.

May we always hear the still small voice that dwells within each of us, calling us to do more, go further, and create what can only now be imagined.

May the Source of all blessings make our footsteps firm and our actions noble. May our legacy be one of wisdom and compassion, prosperity and peace. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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