01/05/2012 - Daily Prayer

The Bible provides us with a bounty of stories about individuals overcoming adversity and challenges. With the story of Moses, we are shown the story of a reluctant leader, a man who did not pursue fame or prominence, but was called to it.

When Moses stumbles upon the burning bush, God calls out to him to take on the mantle of leadership, to serve his people, to question the powers that be, and to do what is right for the sake of others, even though what is right contains many risks, both for Moses, and for those whom he as been called upon to serve.

Scared of what is being asked of him, Moses resists, but finally agrees. After experiencing this miraculous event, Moses returns to his father-in-laws home, and tells him what has happened, and states that he must be with his kinsman, in their time of great need. His father gives him this simple blessing as he goes forth to meet his destiny. He says “go in peace.”

As this esteemed body continues on its journey of attending to the great needs of our State, we turn to the Source of All Blessings, and we ask that when we hear the call to lead and to serve, we will not turn away, but that we shall have the courage, the strength, and the wisdom to do what is asked of us. And as we move forward to face our destiny, may we go in peace. May this be God’s will. Amen.


Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Prayer Status: 