The New Year brings with it the promises of spring; renewal, regeneration, rejuvenation and hope. Hope for a brighter day, for the cessation of hunger and starvation, for an end to senseless violence, for a more just and equitable world, for a world at peace.
Help us, ever patient creator and giver of life, to be proactive agents in the realization of our hopes. Remind us daily that the purpose of the miracle of life is to share the many blessing you have provided us. Instill in us, as your stewards, the courage, tenacity and selflessness of preceding generations so that we can bequeath a healthy and sustainable planet to those who follow us.
Baruch atah adonoi, eloheynu melech ha’olam, she’che’heyanu, v’keyamanu v’hegeyanu la’zeman ha’zeh.
Blessed are you, Creator of the Universe, who has given us life, sustained us and brought us to this time and place. --AMEN.