Too often we get bogged down in the details of life, the tasks, the chores, the deadlines. We keep our eyes down seeing only what is directly in front of us, and rarely bother to look up to see the distant horizon or the many opportunities that we are given each day. And sadly, we can even sometimes forget that life itself is a precious gift.
But when we make the time, each day, to stop, to unplug, to reflect, and to simply offer thanks for the many blessings that are too easily taken for granted, our health, our loved ones, our work, if we take the time to give thanks, we can transform an ordinary day into a sacred one.
May the Holy One inspire us with a sense of gratitude for the everyday blessings in our lives, and may we always be open to the awe and wonder that exists in our world each and every day.
May this be God’s will--AMEN.
01/09/2014 - Daily Prayer
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date