01/19/2011 - Daily Prayer

Many of us feel God’s presence in nature when surrounded by the Holy One’s creations. For others, God’s presence can seem a mystery, hidden from their view. But here in the midst of winter, the trees laid bare of their foliage, if we take the time to look, we will witness the miracle of creation, and see that the world is beginning to wake again. The tiniest bit of green beginning to emerge, new life beginning to appear on a bare branch, reminding us that to everything there is a season, doubt and faith, death and birth, there is a place for everything and everyone under the heavens.

May it be the will of our Creator that our eyes be ever open to the wonders around us, and may our hearts rejoice in miracles that occur each day, reminding us that every day is a gift to be cherished, and cause for us to give thanks. May this be God’s will.—AMEN.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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