01/20/2011 - Daily Prayer

It is with great sadness that we gather today to remember a beloved and respected member of this distinguished institution. We offer our condolences to Senator Oropeza`s husband, Tom Mullins, and to her mother Sharon Oropeza, her sister, Lynn, and her brother John. We hold each of you and your entire family in our hearts and in our prayers as well.
A great sage once proposed the question: "Who is honored?" He answered by saying "One who honors, loves, and cares for other human beings." (Pirkei Avot 4:1)
Today we honor Senator Jenny Oropeza because she lived her life in a way that honored not only herself, but others, her family, her community, her State and her country.
To live a life in service to others is a noble thing. I can think of no greater praise than to be able to say about someone at the end of their life, that reverberations of
that life can still be felt by those who were touched by that person`s good deeds. And that is certainly true of Senator Oropeza.
She used her voice to speak up for those who voices were often silenced. She used her influence to serve those who needed her the most. She used her passion to
make the world she lived in a better place for future generations. While Senator Oropeza`s life was too short, she is a reminder for us all that it is not the length of our days that matter, what is important is how we use the time we are given.
The Book of Job instructs us to deal with grief with these words: "The Lord has given, the Lord has taken, blessed be the name of God. (Job 1 :21)"
We give thanks to the Holy One for the gift of a dedicated servant, a loving wife, daughter, sister, friend and colleague. We give thanks for the path that she chose.
We give thanks for the example she set for us, to live a life of meaning, a life dedicated to the betterment of others. May we live by her example, finding nobility in serving the public, understanding the importance of mentoring the generation that comes after us, and recognizing how government can be used as an instrument of goodness and righteousness. May this be God`s will, amen.


Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Prayer Status: 