01/24/2013 - Daily Prayer

O Infinite and Gracious God,

Our forefather, and architect of our great nation, Thomas Jefferson once said that he liked "the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." This forward looking view of the world is what has drawn so many ever westward towards new horizons, and to our Great State.

And while we are blessed to live in a State with a rich and colorful history, California has been made great because in each and every generation we continue to dream of a better tomorrow, and have dared to believe that we can make our dreams a reality.

The untapped wealth of our State can be found in the potential, and in the dreams, of those who live here. May the Holy One always look kindly on those who aspire to make California`s future more glorious than her past. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Prayer Status: 