02/11/2013 - Daily Prayer

Members and guests today I want to take just a moment to pray on the subject of faith. In the New Testament Book of Hebrews faith is defined; “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (HE 11:1) Faith is the foundation of our spiritual belief system. Since so much of what we believe is neither science or even provable, many things we simply accept on faith.

A few years ago in Chicago a father and his daughter were sailing on Lake Michigan in a small boat. It was a beautiful fall day and the lake was virtually empty, but for them. Suddenly a strong wind came up and capsized the little boat. The boat sank almost immediately leaving both of them adrift. The father realized that it would be dark soon and that his daughter could not swim back to shore. So he decided to swim back and told her to float on her back to keep her head above water. He kissed his child and told her I’ll be back for you.

When he got back he had a difficult time getting the rescue units to believe his story and begin the search for his daughter. With no identification and soaking wet he just didn’t look convincing. But after a lot of back and forth they dispatched a boat and a helicopter. They looked for a while and the rescue people were beginning to feel this was a scam. He pleaded with them to continue looking. As the sun was about to set with no lights on the lake the pilot said we are going to call this off, she must have drowned. Again the father pleaded can we take advantage of the last bit of sunlight?

Just as they were about to give up one of the guys on the boat spotted the little girl and pulled her to safety. When they got back to shore the media was there to film the episode as it had become a big local story. Wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot tea the reporters asked the little girl, how she managed to stay afloat for so long? Did she ever worry that they wouldn’t find her?

She looked at them and said matter-of-factly, my daddy said he was coming back for me.

Author Eric Copage wrote in his book “Black Pearls” Most of us believe in a higher power, whether God, Allah, or a guiding spirit within. Faith in that higher power can help us to make the right decisions in our lives. Sometimes we stumble, but if we have faith, we can believe that things will work out for the best.

Even when adversity hits us, faith can buoy us up and carry us along to something better. We are born to succeed and flourish, to do our best, to make the right choices, and to reflect the goodness that is divine.

One of the founding beliefs of the Christian religion is found in the book of John and used in many funeral services, “ Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (JN 14 1-3)

On this day I will take five minutes to remember that God (or the guiding spirit within me) wants me to succeed in my endeavors, and is at all times making opportunities available to help me in my life.

May this be Gods will.



Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Senator Roderick Wright
Prayer Date: 
Monday, February 11, 2013
Prayer Status: 