02/28/2008 - Daily Prayer

Let us pray, dear Lord in chambers of political power like this we do a lot of talking. So we pray that we might be better listeners. First of all to those who are often left out and left behind like the homeless families I met last night in this city of Sacramento. We listen to you to remind us through your prophets the test of a nation’s righteousness is not its gross national product, its military fire power or its cultural dominance, but how it treats the poor and vulnerable. In the words of Jesus who says to us “as you’ve done the least to these you’ve done to me.” Lord help us listen to each other. In this Chamber and the Chamber I often see in my hometown of Washington DC we often aren’t listening well to each other and finding solutions to the real problems that our people are having. So we pray that we follow the advice of the prophet Micah, “to do justice and love kindness and walk humbly with our God.” AMEN

Prayer Offered By: 
Rev. Jim Wallis, President and founder of Sojourners, Washington DC
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Prayer Status: 