Holy One of Blessing, We turn to you in faith and in gratitude for the blessings you have given us.
During women`s history month, we are particularly mindful that live in an ever evolving society. In 1776 our founding fathers loudly proclaimed that "all men are created equal" and since then, our nation has come to realize, as you teach us in the Bible, that You created all men and women, equally, and in your image, all of us
beloved in Your eyes.
Let us be grateful for the countless women and men who have striven to create a more fair and just society where each of us will be measured according to our character and accomplishments, and not our gender or appearance. Let us be grateful for all those who have fought for the right of all Americans to have their voices heard in the town square and through the ballot box. And let us be grateful
that we live in a nation where the voices of both men and women can be heard, together, in the halls of government.
May the Holy One grant all men and women the ability to value what makes our experiences different, even as we recognize how much we share in common.
May this be God`s will.-AMEN.
03/14/2013 - Daily Prayer
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date