03/16/2011 - Daily Prayer

Rev. Dexter McNamara
Grace to you and Peace.
I’d like to ask that we pause for a quiet moment to remember and pray for the people and the nation of Japan and the people and the nation of Libya.
Reflecting on the compromise that the Constitutional Convention reached to balance representation between the Senate and the House, Benjamin Franklin wrote:
Compromisers do not make great heroes
But they do make great democracies.
Please pray with me.
Loving God of us all…
In these difficult and challenging times for our state and our nation and our world,
I pray that the good women and men of this chamber would look to you for wisdom and integrity and compassion.
And I pray that as they look at each other and listen to each other,
They would remember that they have not been elected by the people of this state
to be heroes
But to create a great democracy in California.
So I pray that they would now seek what is best for all the people of this state.

It is in your loving Spirit I pray.


Guest Chaplain Rev. Dexter McNamara, Community Ministries Liasion
Prayer Date