Once upon a time, a young man was captured by pirates and taken off to a foreign land where he spent six years as a slave looking after sheep. At the end of that time, he escaped and returned to his own people. Later, in a dream he saw the people of the land of his captivity calling him to come and walk once more among them. He returned to that people and spent his life telling them about the love and mercy of God who was his strength during those years when he tended sheep on the mountainside.
This person is St. Patrick and the following is one of his prayers:
May the Strength of God guide us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.
May the Angels of God guard us—
Against the snares of the evil one.
Today St. Patrick sends down a very special blessing on all the Irish followers—his 4 million people in Ireland—and his 42 million Americans who claim Irish ancestry. And lest you feel excluded from St. Patrick’s special blessing—be assured you are not. To everyone gathered here today in this august chamber he says:
As you slide down the bannister of life, for you may the wood splinters be always pointing away from you.—AMEN.
03/17/2014 - Daily Prayer
Guest Chaplain, Father Madigan of St. Joseph's Church in Clarksburg
Prayer Date