Holy and Magnificent God,
Living amidst the glory and the splendor of California it is sometimes too easy to take for granted nature’s wonders and fail to notice the miracles that surround us each day.
However, through religious festivals such as Easter and Passover, we are reminded to pay attention to the annual miracle of the earth’s reawakening every spring. And just as light and life return after a darkened winter, these holidays remind us that even into the darkest soul, light and redemption can take root as well. As Helen Keller once said, the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. Many of us turn to these sacred rites of spring to renew our faith and our hope in our Creator and in each other, to find meaning from our suffering, redemption from our pain, and to look at life anew.
May our eyes always be open to the miracles that have been bestowed upon us, and may it be God’s will that we continue to be witnesses to the miracle of Creation in its many daily manifestations. Amen.