04/14/2011 - Daily Prayer

Almighty God.

We thank You for granting us this day to gather here at the California State Capitol to join the State Legislature in commemorating the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

We come before You this morning with a humble heart, praying for the repose of the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide, and for all the innocent men, women, and children, who were subjected to similar atrocities throughout history. We pray also that through proper recognition and justice, that the souls of all victims will one day truly rest in peace.

Today we have come here as citizens of humanity, as brothers and sisters of differing faiths and ethnicities but who are united in a common cause and purpose of freedom and dignity for all mankind. We beseech You to bless this gathering of honorable and admirable leaders who have designated this time to pay homage to our martyrs.

Bless our Governor and the members of the California Legislature also for their continued support and encouragement of our cause. Lead them in their mission as guardians of public interest and guide them as the serve the best interests of our beloved golden state of California.

We thank You for Your bountiful blessings--AMEN

Guest Chaplain, Father Vahan Gosdanian, Pastor Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Fresno
Prayer Date