04/16/2009 - Daily Prayer

I invite you to turn your attention now to that one Presence by many names: God, Allah, Elohim, Sacred Grandmother Tree, Divine Intelligence, Omnipresent Love. It is in this moment of turning our attention to this Universal Power for Good that the connection is made; and when the connection is made, corrections will come. Corrections needed to meet the growing needs of Californians young and old, those born here and those who came here for a better life. This day we make the connection with this Higher Power so that corrections can be made for economic challenges of both labor and business. Our vision for Californians is one of freedom from all limitation and God never gives us a vision without a provision. That provision is, in part, called Senator. God is in the house this morning blessing each and every one of you with wisdom, right action, and open hearts--AMEN

Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Rev. Georgi a Prescott, Center for Spiritual Awareness
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Prayer Status: 