04/21/2008 - Daily Prayer

Almighty God, guide us all with your wisdom and love to live a life with dignity and to bring your light to the minds and souls of the people who strive for justice and peace. By Your grace, illuminate our path that we may learn the duties entrusted to us for the wellbeing of the people for whom we are called to serve diligently.
Today we offer special prayers for the California State Senate for remembering with genuine respect, the victims of the first genocide of the twentieth century.
In our prayers of remembrance we also render respect for the leaders and the people of the United States of America, who have embraced and sheltered the orphans and the survivors of the first genocide and have guided us to make this blessed country a home where we are continuously encouraged and supported as good citizens of America to firmly uphold our faith as Christians, and our love for our ancestral land of Armenia.
In the grace of your benevolence, 0 Lord, we turn our eyes to the future and give thanks. As Americans of Armenian decent we have not only lived, but thrived in the United States for generations. The true values of this country are democracy and freedom, two principles which contribute to a God-pleasing vision for universal respect for humanity.
Bless 0 God the Senators of the State of California and their mission, and grant them all the strength of faith so that they will spend and be spent in the service of the people of the state of California. AMEN

Prayer Offered By: 
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
Prayer Date: 
Monday, April 21, 2008
Prayer Status: 