04/23/2012 - Daily Prayer

The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, designed many beautiful homes, buildings, and many other incredible structures. Toward the end of his career, a reporter asked him, “Of your many beautiful designs, which one is your favorite?” Without missing a beat, Frank Lloyd Wright answered, “My next one.” As someone once said, Frank Lloyd Wright understood the principal of stretching, constantly pressing forward, never being satisfied simply with past successes. Dear Senators, all of California is waiting for your next great success.

Would you please pray with me:

Eternal God, we pray for our senators today and for their deliberations. May they stretch their thoughts and ideas and dream big dreams to help strengthen the well-being of each California for today and the years to come. This prayer we pray, --AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral of Sacramento
Prayer Date: 
Monday, April 23, 2012
Prayer Status: 