04/26/2012 - Daily Prayer

The 20th Century American poet, John Ciardi commented on society. He wrote: “Humanity cannot be measured by what it is; only by what it is trying to become.”
To be truly alive is to engage in an ongoing process of growth. Just as we as individuals need to continue to learn and develop, so do we as a society need to dream and strive to be more than what we are in the present.
To be judged based solely on who we are, is to see but part of a picture. We can only be fully understood by seeing how far we have come, and how much further we are trying to go.
May the Holy One of Blessing judge our efforts with compassion and grant us the fortitude to continue ever forward in our labors of creating a just and enlightened society. May this be God’s will.--AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Prayer Status: 