05/03/2010 - Daily Prayer

When we are very young we look eagerly towards each birthday,yearning for time to pass more quickly so we can begin our life. And when we are very old we pray for time to slow down, aware of what a precious gift each day is.
But in the middle we too often don’t take the time to appreciate that wherever we are in life is where we should be. Birthdays are more than milestones, they are reminders. They are reminders for us to stop and reflect, and most of all to appreciate not only our own life, but the blessings that others bring into our lives as well.
Today is the birthday of both Greg Schmidt, the Secretary of the Senate and Tony Beard, the Sergeant at Arms. And we give thanks to the Holy One for these two loyal servants of the State of California. We give thanks for their gift of service to this State and to us, we give thanks for their dedication and their integrity, their kindness and their companionship. May the Holy One, the Creator of us all, grant them each good health and a good life and may all of their worthy endeavors find blessing in
God’s eyes.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Monday, May 3, 2010
Prayer Status: 