05/17/2010 - Daily Prayer

Louis Pasteur once said: “Blessed is he who carries within himself an ideal and who obeys it. Therein lies the seeds of great thoughts and great actions.”
It is sad that citizens so often believe that those who serve in public office are rarely motivated by great thoughts or strong ideals.
In truth it is difficult to hold fast to one’s idealistic aspirations when faced with a complicated bureaucracy, exasperating schedules, and unrealistic expectations.
However, what is so extraordinary about politics is that in the midst of all of this chaos and difficulty, great thoughts and great actions are so often found at the very heart of our legislature.
May we be so blessed to always be conscious of our ideals, and may we never be afraid to allow our ideals to grow into great thoughts and even greater actions. May this be God’s will. Amen.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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