Eternal lord god, we are grateful for the beauty and blessings of our beloved California, and for those who have come here from many lands bringing the rich heritage of their culture and knowledge to our vineyards, orchards, and thriving industries. We are the benefactors of their sweat and toil, of their vision and their labors. We pray Your help to all who inhabit our state today that we may strive to build upon that foundation and thereby bring about a society that promotes the common good of all.
We lift our prayer for the for all Californians who are struggling with the adversities of drought and those affected by the resent fire storms.
Grant Your special blessings upon those in this chamber whose decisions shape our lives today, and influence the course of our state’s future. Grant to each one here the gift of wisdom, discernment and vision, that through them and the work they do, the lives of all will be blessed, even into the coming generations.
Strengthen the desire of all our people to live and work together in harmony and good will that we may build a better society and a better life for all. In the name that is holy,--AMEN.