05/26/2009 - Daily Prayer

In the Book of Ecclesiastes we are taught: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time for uprooting the planted...a time for tearing down and a time for building up...(Ecc. 3:1-3).” In these difficult times that try our nation and our state, it is important for us to remember, to everything there is a season.

Through the decades, in times of peace and times of war, times of prosperity and in times of economic crises, this body has continued to meet and plant creative ideas in the fertile soil of California so that future generations might reap the rewards of a rich bounty made possible by the leadership shown by people like those in our government.

These words from Ecclesiastes were meant to remind us of the possibilities of a better tomorrow, that after the winter, the spring will come again, after a famine, there will again someday be a feast, and after a tearing down, a building up again.

We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, to grant us the strength to sustain us through dark times, to grant us inspiration to build a brighter tomorrow, and the determination to make our dreams for a reality. May this be God’s will--AMEN.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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