I believe that the Holy One delights in diversity. By looking at the world around us we can see the beauty of God’s varied creations in nature and in humanity. And we experience the blessings of diversity in our country every day.
The noted 20th century attorney and author, Louis Nizer observed: “Many people with different backgrounds, cultures, languages, and creeds combine to make a nation. But,” he said, “that nation is greater than the sum total of the individual skills and talents of its people...That intangible quality is often due to the differences which makes the texture of the nation rich. Therefore, we must never wipe out or deride the differences amongst us - for where there is no difference, there is only indifference.”
We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, to grant us the ability to appreciate and learn from our differences. May the blessings that we each bring strengthen our nation, enrich our communities, and inspire us as we go about our daily tasks.
May this be God’s will--AMEN