Let Us Look Higher to the God of our Recognition and Pray:
As we gather in this hallowed hall and contemplate our roles, let us remember with reverence and Operate in the spirit of one of our national treasures, Dr. Maya Angelou who transitioned two days ago.
She Crowned herself with Excellence
The Queen Mother of us All
A memory of royalty
Who challenged us to stand tall
Her face the image of dignity
Her eyes fired with pride
Her voice bellowed with majesty
Her words transcended time
She prized the secret of the verse
And turned it into art
And morphed the ugliness of man
To change the human heart
A champion of women
A goddess at her birth
A valiant knight for freedom
A Shero here on earth
To the famous and obscure
Her melodies did reach
From talkshow host to President
Her gratitude to teach
And from her storied, worded vault,
Sweet wisdom she did mine
She spoke those pearls of freedom
And dazzled young activist`s minds
America her classroom
The earth school her home
Africa her people
Infinity her throne
And the once songless caged bird
Who unthawed from crisis cold
Now whistles in the ethers
The echoes of her soul.
Grant us Dear God, the wisdom to rise to fill the void and reach the bar of
Excellence that has been set before us.
Let all those willing say, "Amen"