06/01/2011 - Daily Prayer

Warren Walker spoke of the desire within each of us to experience what is real and what is sustaining. He observed that “there is deep-seated in the make-up of the ordinary person a craving for flowers that do not fade and pleasures that do not pass away. Deep down inside of every human being there is a desire for the genuine - the lasting quality of real life.”

For those who choose a life of public service, opportunities abound to leave a lasting mark on our world, to have an affect on the quality of life for ourselves and for others, and to connect with the world in a deeper and more lasting fashion.

May the Holy One of Blessing grant us the ability to experience every day with a sense of wonder, and to find moments of transcendence where we can encounter what is Divine and Eternal in our world. May we be blessed to see the beauty that is sometimes hidden in our day to day lives and may we experience the lasting quality of real life in the work we do each day. May this be God’s will--AMEN.


Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto
Prayer Date