The Italian writer Ignazio Silone questioned the nature of human beings. He wrote: “How many times have I been misunderstood and thought: Why did so-and-so jump readily to a conclusion about me, when I am so different from what he seems to think of me, or when I meant something quite other than how she took it? If that be so,” he said, “ then keep me from jumping to such conclusions about others; teach me to wait and learn, and to accept that they don’t have to be like me, or I like them, for us to live together.”
May we always be inclined towards keeping an open mind and open ear to what others do and say. May we always be known for our tolerance and compassion towards all of God’s children. And may we find a way that all of humanity can live in peace and harmony with each other. May this be God’s will.---AMEN.
06/03/2010 - Daily Prayer
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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