06/10/2011 - Daily Prayer

Eternal God, There are many Californians today who are feeling broken. We pray for those who are unemployed, we pray for those who have lost their homes and we pray for all of us who are trying to figure out how to make ends meet. We pray now for our California Senate in their deliberations. May the work that they do here today bring light where there is darkness and hope where there is brokenness for this great state of California. This prayer we pray.-AMEN.Let us pray:There once was a young man who was stricken by cancer and as a result he lost his leg. Understandably, he was very angered about this. So he decided to see a counselor who did some art therapy with him. The young man drew a picture of a vase with a big black crack in it because that`s how he felt about himself: broken. Time went by and deep healing began for him and a year later his counselor showed him the picture of the vase with the big black crack. Taking a yellow crayon, the young man said, "This picture isn`t finished yet. You see here where the crack is? . . . "This is where the light shines through." Then he colored a bright ray of light.

Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto
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