06/13/2013 - Daily Prayer

O Source of insight and understanding,You help us to find inspiration in literature and theatre, art, and music. The
creativity of others can help uplift our souls, cause us to look inward, and to examine the human condition.
The great Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw, cautioned us when he wrote in a play that "the worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that is the essence of inhumanity.
Those who choose a life of public service can not indulge in the sin of indifference.
The very nature of the work is to serve the needs of others. It is both a gift and a burden, and ultimately, a sacred task. For when we administer to the needs of our
fellow human beings, we are also serving the Creator of us all.
May it be Your will 0 God, that our hearts be ever open to understanding the suffering and yearnings of others, that our minds be wise in finding answers to the problems that come before us, and may we always care about those whom we
serve. May this be God`s will--AMEN.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
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