06/15/2014 - Daily Prayer

O God,

We call you by many names, but one of the most beloved names we call out to you with is Father. We call you “Father” because we pray that like a father You will be loving and compassionate to Your children. We call you “Father” because we seek guidance and wisdom in how to live a good life.. We call you “Father” when we seek comfort and safety in troubled times. And when we call You Father, we are also expressing love, and respect, for all of the fathers who strive to live up to those ideals every day.

On this Father’s Day we give thanks for those who have been loving fathers in our lives, and we ask for God’s blessings on all who give, or have given, their love and time, energy and devotion to the sacred task of raising children. May they be blessed with patience, wisdom, and joy. May this be God’s will.--AMEN.

Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date