06/20/2011 - Daily Prayer

Author Azar Nafisi writes about what he calls a certain kind of “careless people…
those who see the world in black and white…drunk on the righteousness of their own fictions.”
Please join me in prayer.

God of the ages,
God of all people…
You call each of us to live in the here and now
--and to make the most responsible decisions we can based upon
…the best information available to us
…and based upon our own most cherished values and principles

Help us to be faithful to those values and principles.

But also remind us that adamantly held values and principles may lead us to uncritically believe in fictions and illusions, regardless of the facts.

As the good men and women of this Senate go about the difficult job of giving leadership and direction to this great state,
I pray that they would have the strength to stand firm in their convictions…
And I pray that they would have the humility and the decency to work honestly and openly with those whose convictions may be different than their own.

May they work for what is best for the people of this wonderful and complex state…
…not simply for their own constituency or their own political interests.

I pray that their most compelling principle will be to find realistic and compassionate solutions to the challenges confronting us.
May they have open minds and open hearts.
Help them to be faithful servants of the people of this state.
This I ask in your Loving Spirit--AMEN.

Guest Chaplain Rev. Dexter McNamara, Partners in Care
Prayer Date