06/24/2009 - Daily Prayer

Let’s take a moment, before settling in to the work at hand, to reflect on what has called you to your work in government. To reflect on what has called you to assume the sacred trust of representing the people of this state, protecting their rights, liberties and well being. And I invite you to consider that in this calling to serve, you have followed the urging of God — in the way of your spiritual tradition — and that this power and presence is with you now.
I know that God is everywhere present, living in us and through us, extending opportunity and compassion by our hands to the people we serve. I know that we also live, move and have our being in that Great Spirit, the Life of our lives. And because of this, today we have the strength, wisdom and humility to govern from the purity of our own hearts.
I affirm the great resilience of our state, our people and our leaders. The good we intend to accomplish through our work is already complete in the mind of God, and therefore our work now is to continue to follow the guidance that brought us to this life of service.
Thank you God for each citizen of this state; may their daily lives be uplifted today as we engage our work on their behalf. Thank you God for the rich beauty of this state; may we use its resources wisely, so it is preserved for our posterity. Thank you God for the privilege of leading and serving, and for guiding our hearts and actions; may we always remember the sacred trust we have been given.
I release this prayer, and know it is done. And so it is. Amen


Guest Chaplain Reverend Stephen Gilbert
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