Loving God of us all we come into your presence with hope and anticipation that we will see the best in each other today. Help us never to say no to an opportunity even if it is something that does not seem at first to be what we wanted to do. May we work as hard as we can. May we never give up on being kind. May we care about something greater than ourselves. May we learn to share with others around us. May we be resolute and cordial.
Solomon who knew the art of good governance once said “Hold to sound judgment and to prudence, do not let them out of your sight, they will prove the life of your soul, an ornament around your neck. You will go your way in safety. Your feet will not stumble. God will be your guarantor.” In the fiscal crisis which is on everyone’s mind, with all the checks and balances in California governance that weigh us down, help us to take off our ideological glasses which prevent us from seeing the obvious but cast out solutions. Deliver us from going around the mazes of our own constructions and take us instead into the freedom of decision making. Guide us so that our feet do not stumble, that we may take the state of California forward with the integrity that will allow God to be our guarantor. For in God we trust and in God we are not dismayed. Amen
06/29/2009 - Daily Prayer
Guest Chaplain Dr. David Thompson
Prayer Date