Colleagues, staff, and guests, let us pray.
Dear Lord, As we gather here today, less that 10 hours after we last departed this hall, we are all somewhat weary, and perhaps disheartened by the magnitude of the problems that appear to confront us. But as serious as these challenges may seem, we should consider that our forefathers endured far worse. Let us today reflect upon, even vigilantly heed, the words of a great fallen leader, who, during one of our country`s most trying times, invoked your holy name, when he said:
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in."
(Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, Saturday, March 4, 1865)
Lord, We pray that we may today strive on anew, thankful for the many blessings we share, and with confident hope in your guiding hand upon our deliberations.-AMEN.