07/09/2009 - Daily Prayer

Good morning.

I would like to start this day with a question: What is possible?

So often we dwell on the things that make what we want impossible. And from that mental atmosphere of impossibility, trying to move or shift obstacles embodies the futility of Sisyphus. Focusing on obstacles only reinforces them.

So . . . what IS possible? This is a question that often gets scoffed at precisely because it doesn`t take into account the obstacles. It forces us to look for space between obstacles, to look for new resources, to test different directions, to be open to anything other than what we think we know.

Voltaire said, "No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking." The thinking he is speaking of is not a stolid certainty of having the only answer. It is the thinking of collaboration, humility, and creativity. It is the thinking that comes out of continuing to ask what is possible.

God is a God of possibility. Let`s allow this energy and spirit of possibility to work in us, and move us forward together.

God is the spirit of unity, of oneness, and is everywhere present. This means He is present in this room this morning, and in each person in this room. It lives in us, through us, and as us. All we need do is open to this great source of creativity within, which can and will inspire you to find our way.

God, our prayer this morning is simple: work in us. For we know that with God all things are possible.

God bless you. God bless California.

And so it is.-AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Rev. Stephen Gilbert, Center for Spiritual Awareness
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Prayer Status: 