08/09/2010 - Daily Prayer

Let`s pray. Father, I thank you at times like this that we recognize how much you mean to us, and how much we need you. And, Lord, I thank you for Dave. I thank you for his life. I thank you that most of all he loved you, and by loving you most, he loved his family, he loved his job, and he loved our state and our great country. And, Lord, I would pray that his legacy would continue to impact all the members of the Senate here. Lord, I pray for his family right now. I just pray for Maggie, and Cathleen and Margo and Matt and Sarah and John and their kids, grandkids. And, Lord, in the absence that they feel right now in their dad, may you fill that vacuum with your presence and may they sense your power and peace in a special way. And may each one here realize that as long we`re alive, the impact that Dave`s had on our lives, will impact the rest of our lives. And may we do that for your glory. I would pray, that when we look at life and we look at death, you help us to see that light is only purposeful if we know you. I think of the great Commandment that says, love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and all your mind, and of the second commandment which says love your neighbor as yourself and by loving you most we will love each other all the more. So, Lord, help us do what we do, out of love for you, and obedience to you, and then as a result, may we have an impact as senators, as husbands, as wives, as children, as grandchildren. May we be thankful for your blessings on our lives in the great country in which we live. We ask these things in your name.-AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Rich Sherman, Sunrise Community Church of Fair Oaks
Prayer Date: 
Monday, August 9, 2010
Prayer Status: 