An ancient sage once pondered the reason why the Book of Genesis teaches us that all of humanity is descended from a single person. The sage taught that “humanity was created from a single person for the sake of peace amongst all of humankind, so that no one might say to another ‘my father was greater than yours.’ (Mishna Sanhedrin 4:5)”
The Bible reminds us that we all come from the same humble beginning, and if we take the time to look beyond our cultural or religious differences we will remember that we are all of the same family. We all come from the same handful of clay that had the spirit of life breathed into it. From that miraculous being we are all descended.
May the Holy One of Blessing enable us to see and understand how we are all connected to one another as one family of humanity, so that we can live together in harmony and peace, respecting the gifts we each bring to this world. May this be God’s world. Amen.