08/25/2011 - Daily Prayer

A friend of mine, by the name of Dewitt Jones, had been a
photographer for the National Geographic for 20 years.
Whenever the Geographic would send him out on an
assignment, they would commission him with these words:
"Go celebrate what`s right with the world."
Let us pray:
Eternal God, it is easy for us to focus upon the struggles
with our economy, the high unemployment rate, and the
crime that is taking place within our neighborhoods. But
let us not lose vision for what is right in our world. We
pray for our California Senate today and for this great
state of California. We pray that the decisions that are
made in these chambers will help us celebrate what is
right in California and for our world--Amen.


Prayer Offered By: 
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral of Sacramento
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Prayer Status: 