09/12/2013 - Daily Prayer

had a friend in high school by the name of Suzanne who played golf. One day as she was getting ready to tee off, she accidentally tapped the ball and as you may know in golf, this is technically considered a stroke. However, she was at the first hole, and at the first hole this mistake does not count. You get a do-over; a second chance. Do you know what this is called? It’s called a mulligan. Guess what happened when she swung the golf club next? She got a hole in one. The glory could not have counted had she not received that mulligan. My dear senators, it is our hope that the decisions you make in this room today will help all Californians to have a second chance for a better tomorrow.

Let us pray:

Gracious and loving God, we pray for our senators today and for their deliberations. We ask for your blessings upon them and may they know the gratitude we have for their work. As they work through their agenda today may they feel your presence and give them guidance to strengthen this great state of California. This prayer we pray,-AMEN.

Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Church of Esparto
Prayer Date