12/03/2012 - Daily Prayer

We turn to our Creator on this day for guidance and for blessing. The people of the State of California have entrusted to these men and women a sacred task, to both represent and to lead us.

The people ask of their leaders to act with insight and compassion, and to serve with honor and fairness in both word and deed.

As this esteemed body begins its important work, we ask the Holy One, the Creator of us all, to guide you and to bless you with open hearts and open minds.

May you be strengthened by a sense of common purpose. May you find wisdom and inspiration in each others words. May you lead with the courage of your convictions and always serve with integrity. May you always find ways to work together and to overcome your differences so that we may create peace and prosperity, justice and opportunity for all who live in our State.

May this be God’s will. AMEN

Prayer Offered By: 
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date: 
Monday, December 3, 2012
Prayer Status: 