08/11/2014 - Daily Prayer

Theologian John M. Drescher tells the story about the corn farmer who won all the blue ribbons for his corn year after year at the surrounding fairs.  Yet each year he shared his best seed corn with all his neighbors.

“How do you expect to continue to win blue ribbons,” someone asked him, “if you give your best seed corn to others?”
“You don’t understand,” said the farmer.  “The wind carries the pollen from field to field.  If I am to have the best corn, I must see to it that all my neighbors also have the best corn.  If they produce poor corn it will pollinate mine and pull my quality down.”

My dear senators, we are all gardening the same plot of ground.  Inside these chambers are the opportunities to plant good seeds so that the quality of all Californians lives may be lifted up.

Let us pray:

Eternal and loving God, we pray for our California Senate today.  May the good seeds that are planted inside these chambers today strengthen, encourage, enliven and bring hope to every Californian for a brighter tomorrow.--AMEN. 

Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral of Sacramento
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