Prayer Offered for April 5, 2018

Holy One of Blessing, whose presence fills Creation, bless this hallowed chamber. Its gilded walls and pillars proclaim the cherished history of this assembled body. Just as each and every one of us is a body well assembled and imbued with the spirit of holiness, so too, this Senate body well assembled and imbued with the spirit of its maker—the people of the California.

            And just as each are reminded to live out the divine mystery of holiness that is inherent in human life, so too may this body live-out the will of the people it represents. People. Not voters. Not consumers. Not business interests. Not teachers or corporations, or students or construction workers. Not prison guards or prisoners. Not Latino or black or Asian American or Caucasian. People. Humans imbued with the spirit of the divine, pursuing progress and fruition, aspiring towards goodness. People who expect integrity, ingenuity, thought, and care on behalf of all. May God bless this Chamber. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Rabbi Seth Castleman
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Prayer Status: 