Prayer Offered for August 13, 2020

Gracious God, we meet You in unexpected places.

Traces of Your grace are strewn all over our schedule-puckered lives.

We ask to be stirred toward soul-satisfying results

as we desire to serve You and neighbor-and even our enemy.

Ease us into being good Samaritans to each other-

to the outcast and rejected ones,

and to those whose fear sometimes makes them obnoxious.

Make us bold to call others to accountability-

even as we model humility to the arrogant,

mercy to the self-righteous,

compassion to the indifferent.

O God of many surprises, make us glad of heart for each day’s opportunities to bring our imagination and creativity to the disturbances that threaten to discourage us. We will continue to believe in the impossible.—AMEN.

(Adapted from My Heart in My Mouth by Ted Loder)

Prayer Offered By: 
Senator Jackson, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Prayer Status: 