Prayer Offered for August 6, 2018

            I recently was inspired by Hannah Brencher, an author.

            Our Time is limited. We get busy, our days fly by as we try to make the most of every minute. We meet with many people, each pulling us in different directions. As we try to walk in their shoes, to fully understand their plight, where do we seek our guidance? Where do we find our moral compass?

            It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We do not have all the answers. These are the times when I find refuge in God. I may not have the words—I may not have the energy to get down on my knees and pray—it might feel like my prayers aren’t good enough, that I’m not making sense to God.

            I have learned to say Breath Prayers. Short prayers that get right to the point. They can be uttered under my breath, in any situation, at any time. A Breath Prayer can be repeated over and over again under my breath, quietly, and it becomes part of me. A Breath Prayer is somewhere between praying when I remember, and praying without ceasing.

            My favorite is “Reduce me to Love, God, Reduce me to Love.”

            I don’t need to pray for greatness, to make me something bigger for this world. No, the prayer is reduce. Make me smaller. Help me get out of my own way. It is not all about me. Just like in John 3 where John the Baptist says “I’m not it. I’m not meant to be the center of attention.” He was preparing the way for God.

            This is not what we hear in our world. We are taught to be impressive, front and center, loud. The gospel is a different story. The gospel encourages us to get smaller as we go so that God can be amplified.

            Smallness is where the real work happens. In our quiet strength we learn from one another, share our ideas, and listen intentionally. Our actions are more important than our words.

            I want to be the encourager. I want to be the listener. My prayer has now become:

            Reduce me to Love. Help me to see beneath the surface. Help me to be a familiar face in a crowd, a light in a dark room. Turn me into love and wipe out all the excess fear.

            Help me to see others as you see them, God. Each as a masterpiece, made by your loving hands.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senator Ted Gaines
Prayer Date: 
Monday, August 6, 2018
Prayer Status: 