Prayer Offered for February 5, 2024

Let us gather in the presence of one another and in the presence of our Creator of many names and manifestations.

God of all peoples and times, as we celebrate the transition of Senate leadership to Senator Mike McGuire, we celebrate not only the person, but also the story of the entire State of California.

We acknowledge our ancestors, the indigenous Nisenan people of this area, and all our ancestors both physical and spiritual throughout our history.

California is the state that over the millennia has evolved into majestic landscapes of rugged mountain ranges, vast canyons and valleys, windswept deserts, and pristine coastlines.

The abundance of this piece of Earth has provided resources of food, water, fabric, and shelter from the variety of farmlands, lakes and rivers, plants and trees—enabling to the flourishing of life in many parts of our world economy.

Today we celebrate California’s almost 40 million people of diverse ancestry, talent, treasure, ambitions, and desires, all contributing to the ongoing growth and evolution of the state, resilient and adaptable to its multiple challenges.

We pray in gratitude for this Legislature, willing to serve as leaders—planting new seeds that one day will grow, watering seeds already planted, knowing the future promise that they hold.

And we pray in this new session:

Senator McGuire and Senate Members:

May integrity of soul be your first ideal—as the ground where leadership and prosperity intersect.

May your work be infused with passion and creativity.

May you welcome your own vulnerability, opening your heart to the Source that will guide and bless your work.

In your heart may there be a sanctuary for the stillness where clarity and truth are born.

And may you find support and encouragement from all members of the electorate who rely on you to accomplish this immense work.

Gracious God, shed Your light and inspiration on this Legislature. We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

(To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue and Prayer by Bishop Ken Untener, generally attributed to Oscar Romero)

Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date