Prayer Offered for January 29, 2015

Let us bring our minds and hearts into God’s presence.

God of all compassion and consolation,

We pray today for our beloved country and state; for our leaders, citizens, critics, and those without advocates:

  • May we act as those who discern that You are at work with us in making the history of our time;
  • May we weigh wisely, calculate boldly, act justly, and invest our short time and strength in those things that promote the common good.

O God of all, may we grow in awareness of the ways You answer our prayers by using us to answer the prayers of our brothers and sisters.

May we not fail in creativity, nor falter in generosity as we serve the needs of our human family.

We ask this in Your name.─Amen.

                                    (Adapted from Ted Loder, My Heart in My Mouth: Prayers for Our Lives, 2000)

Prayer Offered By: 
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Prayer Status: 