Prayer Offered for January 8, 2024

As we begin the work of this week, let us pray in gratitude for each other and for all who work at and for this State Capitol. Let us dedicate our week to the practice of human kindness. 

First, feel compassion for yourself as you say the following silently:   

May I be healed!     

May my heart open with kindness and peace!

May I be filled with the spirit of loving kindness!

May I be whole! 

Now call to mind all who collaborate with you each day. Hear yourself saying to them: 

May you be healed!

May your heart open with kindness and peace!

May you be filled with the spirit of loving kindness!

May you be whole!

Finally, open your heart in a special way to all your constituents, and let your compassion expand even to our whole country and world, as you say:  

May all beings be healed!

May all beings be happy!

May all beings be touched and healed by the force of human kindness!

May the power of our heart, our goodness, our love, and our legislation bring healing to all.—AMEN.

Senator Durazo, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date