Prayer Offered for July 3, 2017

            Eternal Creator, we thank You for a new day to serve You. We thank You for sacrifices each elected official has made to serve the great state of California and its people.

            We stand before You at this moment to focus our attention on You and the work before this house.  I ask for Your blessing over those You have selected and appointed to lead our great state.  You offer wisdom to any that ask for it, so today, we ask that Your wisdom would be upon each of these leaders.  As each matter is considered today may we be mindful of the individuals and families who will be impacted by each decision. 

            We also take a moment to acknowledge that tomorrow we will celebrate the freedom we enjoy in our beloved county and we thank You for that freedom.  We are well aware that freedom always comes with a price and we thank You for those, who have given their all for the freedom we enjoy.   Be with us now, we pray. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Karen Abrego, Associate Pastor at Ebenezer Christian Center in Sacramento and Constituent Case Manager in the Office of Dr. Richard Pan, Senator 6th District
Prayer Date: 
Monday, July 3, 2017
Prayer Status: 