I wonder how you envision God! The following quote is from Tom Mahon, a Silicon Valley executive who writes about spiritual issues in relation to technology. He says: Instead of picturing God as a medieval monarch on a marble throne, imagine God as the living awareness in the space between the atoms, empty space that makes up about 99.99% of the universe. Thinking of God that way gets us past some of the great theological divides of the past: Is God immanent or transcendent, internal or external, composed or compassionate? Like the question of whether the atom is wave or particle, the answer is: YES.
(Adapted from Tom Mahon, The Spirit in Technology.)
God of mystery, You who are all in all:
we constantly call out to You for help;
we sometimes remember to thank You for the blessings of our lives;
grant us the ability to often pause in wonder at Your mystery, Your elusive presence, Your seeming ongoing invitation to us to grow in self-awareness, humility, hope, and courage, as we work to bring love and compassion to our world.─AMEN.