Prayer Offered for June 15, 2016

Psalm 116:15 comforts us with this verse: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”

Losing a loved one is devastating, but we can take comfort in knowing that God holds us all in his arms and honors their spirit, their vitality and their passion for life equally.

Lord, we pray that their souls have found peace and are at rest.

May we spend time remembering those, both those who are lost and those who survived.

Let us pray and lift up those survivors who have or will come home and give them strength.

Lord, new 49 saints now look upon us.

May our actions honor their good names and may we act in the coming weeks to protect all Californians from violence and death.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senator Isadore Hall, III
Prayer Date: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Prayer Status: 